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Accompanying Service

Accompanying Services For Treatment In USA

1, Free consultation
Patients can consult VIP World Medical about accompanying services for free. Our staff will understand the needs of patients and introduce the detailed information for patients.

2, Sign the paperwork
Medical advisers will prepare the paperwork, such as service agreement, etc. Patients sign them and pay related service fee.

3, Accompanying services during medical treatment in USA
A: First-time meeting with the treating physician
According to the referral schedule, our staff will wait for you at hospital and assist with your hospital admission. VIP World Medical will help you arrange professional medical translator when you meet the physician. In order to discuss the condition with treating physician in detail, we will remind patients to carry all original medical records, passport, and questions about the disease, etc.

B: Diagnosis and treatment plan
After the first-time meeting with the physician, the patient will be required to do some physical examinations at different laboratories in 1-2 weeks. VIP World Medical staff will make all appointments for you as soon as possible. We will drive and accompany you to the laboratories. Upon completion of the examinations, our staff will follow up with the test results for the patient and submit them to treating physician.  After examination, we will make an appointment with doctor for the patient, including date, time, and place. Normally the treating physician will diagnose the patient's specific condition and make a detailed treatment plan. Our staff will accompany and arrange for transportation service.

C: Services during treatment in USA
 When the patient's treatment plan is finalized, VIP World Medical will immediately make an appointment for the patient care unit, surgical ward, and treatment dates and times. During the treatment, VIP World Medical also provides the following services: make an appointment for regular testing, follow up with the laboratory results and submit to treating physician; make an appointment for doctor, report patient’s physical reaction to treating physician, ask treating physician the specific treatment questions for patients.




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