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VIP World Medical is committed to provide patients personalized services, including remote medical advice, appointments of authoritative hospitals and experts, transportation services, and follow-up, etc. 

1, Efficient and convenient: VIP World Medical directly collaborates with best medical experts in to provide the safest and most effective medical consultation or treatment plan. The exclusive green channel reservation services help to prioritize time and resources and ensure medical quality and speed.

2, Formal organization: VIP World Medical is part of the Multiwin International S&T Group, LLC, which is approved by the United States federal and Texas state government entities registered certified company (in 2008). The organization provides the services for patients to receive medical consultation and treatments in USA.

3, Patient management system platform: VIP World Medical’s patient management system platform provides the most secure and reliable protection for patients and physicians. Special encryption system to upload or save the patient's information will ensure patient’s personal privacy.

4, Intimate services: VIP World Medical equips patients with medical service commissioner to provide full coordination and support services. We are committed to take care of the needs of each patient to make them enjoy convenient, efficient and safe medical services. After returning to their countries at the end of treatment, the patient is still able to maintain relationship with the physicians through VIP World Medical to track clinical results, follow-up care, etc.

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